"Cesar Chavez gave our nation and each of us a unique example to live our lives by. His selfless dedication for farm worker and worker rights, economic justice, civil rights, environmental justice, peace, nonviolence, empowerment of the poor and disenfranchised, is a monumental legacy that will inspire all and the generations to come. The winning of national recognition for Cesar Chavez with holidays, service, learning and community action events, is a fitting tribute and significant way to share his life’s work as the founder and leader of the United Farm Workers of America (UFW)." ~Cesar E. Chavez National Holiday
The Armacost Library has many resources on Cesar Chavez and the rights of agricultural laborers. Check out some of these books to ease your curiosity:
Beyond the fields : Cesar Chavez, the UFW, and the struggle for justice in the 21st century
Cesar Chavez : a brief biography with documents
César Chávez, the Catholic bishops, and the farmworkers' struggle for social justice
Delano : the story of the California Grape Strike
The Human cost of food : farmworkers' lives, labor, and advocacy
The Migrant project : contemporary California farm workers
Sal si puedes = (Escape if you can) : Cesar Chavez and the new American revolution
The Union of their dreams : power, hope, and struggle in Cesar Chavez's farm worker movement
Why David sometimes wins : leadership, organization, and strategy in the California farm worker movement
The Words of César Chávez
*The video clip above is from the documentary The Fight in the Fields, available for check out from the Armacost Library.