Welcome back bulldogs! And welcome, our first-year students!
We're excited to have you on campus. As you wander the nooks and crannies of our Library, you might get lost. Here's a map.

You might also be interested in our library hours, which are posted for the entire semester online here: library.redlands.edu/hours. Notice that the hours in red are the hours in which the Library building is open, and the hours in blue are when a librarian is around to help you.
If you're a newbie, remember that your student ID card is also your Library card. You can check out up to 25 physical items with it, including books, DVDs, LPs, and music scores. If you've forgotten all the things you've checked out, you can view a list of your items in your Armacost Library account. You can also renew all your stuff in your account.
And, if you're signed up for a class in a subject you've never explored before, don't forget to visit our Research Guides. We have research guides for every subject studied here at Redlands. They feature hand-picked databases in specific subject areas, contact info for subject libraries, search strategies, and call number ranges for areas of the Library that you'll be interested to browse.
Enjoy, bulldogs!
Lua Gregory
First Year Experience Librarian