Please join the Armacost Library in welcoming our two new permanent hires, Melissa-Cardenas-Dow, Technical Services/Reference Librarian and Sanjeet Mann, Electronic Services/Reference Librarian and visiting Reference/Instruction Librarian, Paige Mann.
Their self-penned introductions, below, will help you get to know them a bit better.
Melissa Cardenas-DowMelissa came to Armacost Library in January 2009 as a
Visiting Assistant Librarian. During that time, she participated in
selecting library materials, staffing the reference desk, visiting
classes during library instruction sessions, developing course guides
and investigating access issues to library electronic resources. Over
the summer, Melissa transitioned into the Technical Services Librarian
position. She will continue the roles and tasks she had assumed while
still a Visiting Librarian and will assume new ones that primarily deal
with how library materials get acquired, processed, stored and shelved,
and into patrons' hands.
Fun Facts: Melissa grew up in the Philippines. She nurses gamer's guilt
and strives to juggle time spent in World of Warcraft's Azeroth with her
real-life responsibilities.
Sanjeet MannAfter a whirlwind year in which he graduated from library school, moved
twice, was baptized, got married and made plans to buy a house, Sanjeet was delighted to plant his feet at the University of Redlands,
where he began work as Electronic Resources/Reference Librarian in July
2009. His responsibilities include managing electronic journals and
databases, coordinating development of the library website, and serving
students and faculty through reference, instruction, and collection
development for the English, Music and French departments. In his free
time Sanjeet enjoys playing piano and composing.
Fun fact: One of Sanjeet's favorite composers, Erik Satie, not only
shares Sanjeet's middle name (Eric) but also gained notoriety through
his eccentric compositions (one supposedly short piece requires the
performer to repeat it 840 times in succession), eclectic wardrobe
(featuring seven identical gray velvet suits) and unconventional
housekeeping habits (after his death, friends found his tiny one-room
apartment filled with papers and two pianos, one atop the other, the top
one apparently functioning as a mail sorter). Sanjeet assures us he is
not that strange... yet.
Paige Mann Paige is a Visiting Librarian and passionate about equipping and empowering people to live life to the fullest. She finds life more rewarding when approached as a learner and has taken opportunities to work as an AmeriCorps*VISTA volunteer, live in foreign countries, study serial killers, lead an online symposium, and play with (and harass) children during story time. Curious by nature, she learns by traveling, socializing, reading, observing, etc. and finds the library perfect for inquiring minds. In her spare time she is spoiled by her husband, antagonized by her mom, and blessed by God.
Fun Fact: She and her husband are easing into a car-lite lifestyle by relocating within walking distance of work, the gym, and other essentials. They aim to be a one-car family in the future.