Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Armacost Library Undergraduate Research Award

The proliferation of data, information, knowledge, and representations of cultural artifacts in digital format has made research both a seemingly easier and a much more complex process than in the past.  In a Googlized information landscape so much is available at our fingertips. However, the sheer volume of information has made finding relevant sources of evidence and the evaluation of that evidentiary material more difficult.  Information literacy is a significant component of problem solving, decision-making, effective communication, research, and the production of new knowledge.

The Armacost Library Undergraduate Research Award honors students who demonstrate sophistication, creativity, and unusual depth and/or breadth in the use of library collections and information available elsewhere in a variety of media and who show evidence of developing an understanding of the processes of research and inquiry. The award review committee considers the product of the research, but places particular emphasis on the research process: the demonstration of research skills, adept use of information resources, and reflection upon the strategies utilized to investigate a research problem. Winners receive a cash prize and public recognition of their excellent work.

This award isn’t the exclusive domain of the research paper.  Projects might include research involved in a musical or theater production, curating an exhibit, producing a film/video, developing a community service project, or tracing the historical research leading to current lab experiments or fieldwork.  Just to name a few of the possibilities.

More information about the award can be found at this web address:

Or, talk with your subject librarian:

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