Saturday, September 01, 2012

Armacost Library Intellectual Freedom (ALIF) Blogathon Participation Guidelines

Image icon of person with open book. Text reads I FREE.
Intellectual Freedom can be a thorny topic. While controversy can provoke deeper, more critical thought, it can also turn people away from engaging in the necessary conversation that the controversial topic raises. Because of this we have devised some simple guidelines for engagement during the Armacost Library Intellectual Freedom (ALIF) Blogathon. These apply to posts and comments alike.

1) Please use civil and respectful language.
2) Opinions expressed in comments and posts belong to their author.
3) There may be times and situations when posts and comments will not be posted at all or will have to be removed. Comments that advertise or sell products, for instance, are not appropriate. Threats of violence, veiled or actual, against persons or groups of people are also unacceptable. Armacost Library faculty are responsible for moderation tasks.

Armacost Library values our collective freedom to read, view, and express. We also value our shared responsibility to maintain and uphold such freedoms.

Melissa Cardenas-Dow 
Outreach/Behavioral Sciences Librarian
Armacost Library, University of Redlands
melissa_cardenasdow (a) redlands (dot) edu

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