Monday, September 09, 2013

Finding electronic resources in the library

Since the library's new website debuted last year, we've been busy gathering feedback on how to make it easier for you to find electronic resources (ebooks, articles, streaming music, and more) for your assignments.

This fall we have revised the Article Databases and Online Resources page to focus on three kinds of information "containers" frequently mentioned in research assignments: articles, journals and databases.

The page is designed to be flexible and approachable, whether you know exactly what you want or are just looking for sources that meet your needs. Thanks to the Ask Us icon, help is always one click away if you need it.

This new page replaces the old Full Text Finders page on the library website, so be sure to update the link if you had it bookmarked in your browser.

Try the new Article Databases and Online Resources page next time you need to find electronic information for a class, and let us know what you think of it!

Sanjeet Mann
Electronic Resources Librarian
Armacost Library

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