Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Faith, Sexuality, & Gender Identity

On November 8, 2016, America's attention will be on the election. A few days later, this stressful and unpredictable election will be followed by a move from a "historic campus ministry that has accomplished an incalculable amount of good in its many years of operation" to become more homogeneous by pushing out voices of its more progressive employees. Whether we're talking politics or doctrine, whether we understand or agree with one another, we must take and create opportunities to come together to listen, learn from, and engage with each other. Doing so asks that we brave uncomfortable, controversial, and threatening ideas. Doing so asks that we question the foundations of our beliefs. Doing so challenges the idea that perhaps defining what and who are 'right' and 'wrong' may be less important than coming together to find common ground.

Below are some of the wonderful resources Armacost Library has to stimulate conversations on faith, sexuality, and gender identity. We can use these to outline or strengthen our stances, but we can also use these to redefine the ways we understand and experience difference, ignorance, appreciation, justice, dogmas, respect, and dignity.

Paige Mann
Physical Sciences Librarian, Web Experiences Librarian, and Alumni of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Redlands

 Homosexuality and religion : an encyclopedia Queer inclusion in the United Methodist Church  Torah queeries : weekly commentaries on the Hebrew Bible   Living out Islam : voices of gay, lesbian, and transgender Muslims  Queer religion  Taking a chance on God : liberating theology for gays, lesbians, and their lovers, families, and friends ; with a new preface  Straight & narrow? : compassion & clarity in the homosexuality debate More Than Welcome Homophobia in the Black Church   Queer and Catholic   Sex and the Church: Gender, Homosexuality, and the Transformation of Christian Ethics  Hate is the sin : putting faces on the debate over human sexuality  Catholic figures, queer narratives

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